I LumoS Luxury Black Brushed Aluminium Screwless Blanking Plate Wall Single Socket

I LumoS TM is a trademarked product and is available to be used in all rooms of your home, business and establishment. The I LumoS range compliment your home with a unique and luxurious style that will bring your home into the 21st Century.
The unique design removes the need for traditional sockets and brings a modern and stylish look to enhance your property. All products are manufactured to high standards and are all EU certified for use within the EU, the UK and all over the World
I LumoS is more than just a name. It is a Brand you can Trust. I LumoS brings the best out of your home without having to break the bank. Perfect match for use with other I LumoS Sockets and Switches. Why not bring that Beauty, Simplicity and Enhancement into your home.